TRIED AND TESTED: Manuka Doctor Brightening Facial Oil
Being of Asian ethnicity, our skin tone is prone to dis-colouration and pigmentation. I’ve never really had any issues with pigmentation growing up, however time has taken its toll. Growing older (and from an accident with a pressure cooker-don’t ask!), my skin tone doesn’t look as ‘clear’ as it used to and whilst being pregnant, I certainly didn’t get that ‘glow’. FACT OF THE DAY: a lot of mummy-to-be’s end up experiencing discolouration/darkening on their face during their pregnancy (although those with darker skin tones are more likely to experience this).
Since being on maternity leave, I haven’t really worn a lot of make up, which in turn has made me pay more attention to my skin tone. A dull complexion meant all the discolouration was showing up even more. So I went on the search for a brightening facial product that would help combat pigmentation and brighten complexion…and I came across Manuka Doctor Brightening Facial Oil RRP £19.99.
Manuka Doctor Brightening Facial Oil
Apparently a firm favourite of Kourtney Kardashian, the product contains various oils (manuka, argan, rosehip to name a few) which all help brighten, even and refine your skin.
MUMMY-TO-BE TIP: look out for skin products which contain rosehip-known to help even skin tone and especially stretch marks.
Now back to the oil…having used it for nearly a month I can honestly say there has been some improvement in my skin. It is a lot more even toned and does look brighter (although having acquired a slight tan from all the hot weather probably has helped a bit). It’s not as greasy as I thought it would have been and does soak into skin really well – so its great for most skin types. However, having initially used it on its own, I find it works better for me mixed in with my normal daily moisturiser. It didn’t soak into the dryer patches, i.e. around my nose and under my eyes but once I mixed it with my moisturiser-it definitely helped.
Also, I did try it under make up and my foundation went on beautifully. My skin did look like it had that ‘glow from within’ and looked really smooth (I’ll be putting up a post soon of the look I did using the oil as a base). In all honesty, its not the most prettiest of smells but it doesn’t linger so you can get used to it.
With most skin products, its better to stick with it to see a difference as it can take some time to really take effect. As first impressions goes, I do like the product and it would be great to see how much it does for my skin in the coming winter – my skin takes on a greyish tinge when its really cold! So I’ll definitely be reviewing the oil again later in the year.
Ciao for now… x